Properties ========== Geometry -------- The number of sites of MPS/MPO :code:`psi` can be read as :code:`psi.N` or :code:`len(psi)`. Iterating through sites is supported by .. automethod:: Symmetry -------- The symmetry of the MPS/MPO is inherited from the symmetry of :meth:`yastn.Tensor`'s forming it. The symmetries of those tensors, and other `config` settings, have to be matching as they are contracted along the virtual dimension. As such, the global MPS/MPO symmetry is a consequence of the symmetry of local tensors. Config of MPS/MPO :code:`psi` can be accessed via property :code:`psi.config`. Index convention ---------------- MPS is built from tensors with a single physical index and two virtual indices. MPO tensors have an additional physical index. The number of physical indices can be accessed through the property :code:`psi.nr_phys`. The index convention for MPS/MPO tensors is: `0th` index corresponds to the left virtual space, i.e, in the direction of the first MPS/MPO site. `1st` index is physical (ket), and `2nd` index corresponds to the right virtual space, i.e., in the direction of the last MPS/MPO site. For MPO, the last `3rd` index is also physical (bra). We typically assume the signatures :math:`s=(-1, +1, +1)` for MPS tensors and :math:`s=(-1, +1, +1, -1)` for MPO tensors. :: # indices of the individual tensors in MPS ___ (-1) 0--|___|--2 (+1) | 1 (ket; +1) # indices of the individual tensors in MPO. The physical indices # are ordered consistently with the usual matrix notation, # i.e., O = \sum_{ij} O_ij |i>