Krylov methods ============== Implemented in yastn -------------------- We provide a high-level, backend-agnostic implementation of some Krylov-based algorithms used in :class:``. They assume a linear operation acting on a generalized vector, with the vector being an instance of a class that includes methods ``norm``, ``vdot``, ``linear_combination``, ``expand_krylov_space``, among others. Examples of such a vector include :class:`yastn.Tensor` (see :ref:`methods`). .. autofunction:: yastn.expmv .. autofunction:: yastn.eigs Other libraries --------------- With *NumPy* backend, it is possible to link to algorithms in `sparse.sparse.linalg `_, employing :meth:`yastn.Tensor.compress_to_1d` and :meth:`yastn.decompress_from_1d`. See, an :ref:`example`.