##### fPEPS ##### Fermionic projected entangled-pairs states and related algorithms. Abelian-symmetric tensor algebra is provided by :doc:`YASTN`. .. automodule:: yastn.tn.fpeps :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: **************************************** What are projected entangled pair states **************************************** .. toctree:: :caption: What are projected entangled pair states :glob: theory/fpeps/basics ******************* API: yastn.tn.fpeps ******************* .. toctree:: :caption: API: yastn.tn.fpeps :glob: :maxdepth: 2 fpeps/lattice_geometry fpeps/initialization fpeps/evolution fpeps/environments.rst ************************* Examples: basics of usage ************************* .. toctree:: :caption: Examples: basics of usage :glob: :maxdepth: 2 examples/fpeps/geometry examples/fpeps/ctmrg