Source code for yastn.tensor._legs

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""" class yastn.Leg """
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from itertools import product, groupby
from operator import itemgetter
import numpy as np
from ._auxliary import _flatten
from ._tests import YastnError
from ..sym import sym_none
from ._merging import _Fusion, _hfs_union, _combine_hfs_prod, _unfuse_Fusion

__all__ = ['Leg', 'LegMeta', 'legs_union', 'random_leg', 'leg_product', 'undo_leg_product']

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False) class Leg: r""" :meth:`Leg` is a hashable `dataclass <>`_, defining a vector space. An abelian symmetric vector space can be specified as a direct sum of *plain* vector spaces (sectors), each labeled by charge :math:`t` .. math:: V = \bigoplus_t V_t The action of abelian symmetry on elements of such space depends only on the charge :math:`t` of the element .. math:: g \in G:\quad U(g) V = \bigoplus_t U(g)_t V_t. The size of individual sectors :math:`{\rm dim}(V_t)` is arbitrary. Parameters ---------- sym : module | _config(NamedTuple) :ref:`YASTN configuration <tensor/configuration:yastn configuration>` s : int Signature of the leg. Either 1 (ingoing) or -1 (outgoing). t : Sequence[int] | Sequence[Sequence[int]] List of charge sectors. D : Sequence[int] List of dimensions of corresponding charge sectors. The lengths :code:`len(D)` and :code:`len(t)` must be equal. legs: Sequence[yastn.Leg] Includes information about fused (sub-)legs. fusion: str Specification of how the fusion was performed. """ sym: any = sym_none s: int = 1 # leg signature in (1, -1) t: tuple = () # leg charges D: tuple = () # and their dimensions hf: tuple = None # sub-legs _verified: bool = False def __post_init__(self): if not self._verified: if not hasattr(self.sym, 'SYM_ID'): # if config is provided object.__setattr__(self, "sym", self.sym.sym) # replace is with config.sym if self.s not in (-1, 1): raise YastnError('Signature of Leg should be 1 or -1') object.__setattr__(self, "s", int(self.s)) D = list(_flatten(self.D)) t = list(_flatten(self.t)) if not all(int(x) == x and x > 0 for x in D): raise YastnError('D should be a tuple of positive ints.') if not all(int(x) == x for x in t): raise YastnError('Charges should be tuples of ints.') lD, nsym = len(D), self.sym.NSYM if lD * nsym != len(t) or (nsym == 0 and lD != 1): raise YastnError('Number of provided charges and bond dimensions do not match sym.NSYM') # t = np.array(t, dtype=np.int64) newt = list(map(tuple, self.sym.fuse(t.reshape(lD, 1, nsym), (self.s,), self.s).tolist())) oldt = list(map(tuple, t.reshape(lD, nsym).tolist())) D = np.array(D, dtype=np.int64).reshape(lD).tolist() if oldt != newt: raise YastnError('Provided charges are outside of the natural range for specified symmetry.') if len(set(newt)) != len(newt): raise YastnError('Repeated charge index.') tD = dict(sorted(zip(newt, D))) object.__setattr__(self, "t", tuple(tD.keys())) object.__setattr__(self, "D", tuple(tD.values())) if self.hf is None: object.__setattr__(self, "hf", _Fusion(s=(self.s,))) object.__setattr__(self, "_verified", True) def __str__(self): return ("Leg(sym={}, s={}, t={}, D={}, hist={})".format(self.sym, self.s, self.t, self.D, self.history()))
[docs] def conj(self) -> yastn.Leg: r""" New :class:`yastn.Leg` with switched signature. """ return Leg(sym=self.sym, s=-self.s, t=self.t, D=self.D, hf=self.hf.conj(), _verified=True)
def drop_history(self) -> yastn.Leg: r""" New :class:`yastn.Leg` with no information on merging history. """ return Leg(self.sym, self.s, self.t, self.D)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, t) -> int: r""" Size of a charge sector. Parameters ---------- t : int | Sequence[int] selected charge sector """ return self.D[self.t.index(t)]
@property def tD(self) -> dict[tuple, int]: r""" Return charge sectors `t` and their sizes `D` as a dictionary ``{t: D}``. """ return dict(zip(self.t, self.D))
[docs] def history(self) -> str: """ Show linearized representation of Leg fusion history. :: 'o' marks original legs 's' is for sum, i.e. block 'p' is for product, i.e., fuse_legs(..., mode='hard') 'm' is for meta-fusion Example ------- 'p(p(oo)p(oo))' corresponds to 4 original spaces. Two pairs are fused first, then the result gets fused. """ return _str_tree(self.hf.tree, self.hf.op)
def is_fused(self) -> bool: """ Return :code:`True` if the leg is a result of fusion, and :code:`False` is it is elementary. """ return self.hf.tree[0] > 1 def unfuse_leg(self): return undo_leg_product(self)
@dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False) class LegMeta: """ Auxilliary Leg class desctibing a meta-leg: a list of legs, where explicit hard-fusion was not performed. """ sym: any = sym_none s: int = 1 t: tuple = () D: tuple = () mf: tuple = () legs: tuple = () def history(self) -> str: """ history for MetaLeg. """ tree = op = ''.join('m' if x > 1 else 'X' for x in tree) tmp = _str_tree(tree, op).split('X') st = tmp[0] for leg_native, sm in zip(self.legs, tmp[1:]): st = st + leg_native.history() + sm return st def __str__(self): return ("LegMeta(sym={}, s={}, t={}, D={}, hist={})".format(self.sym, self.s, self.t, self.D, self.history())) def conj(self) -> yastn.Leg: r""" New :class:`yastn.Leg` with switched signature. """ legs_conj = tuple(leg.conj() for leg in self.legs) return LegMeta(sym=self.sym, s=-self.s, t=self.t, D=self.D,, legs=legs_conj) def is_fused(self): return True
[docs] def random_leg(config, s=1, n=None, sigma=1, D_total=8, legs=None, nonnegative=False) -> yastn.Leg: """ Create :class:`yastn.Leg` randomly distributing bond dimensions to sectors according to Gaussian distribution. Parameters ---------- config: module | _config(NamedTuple) :ref:`YASTN configuration <tensor/configuration:yastn configuration>` s : int Signature of the leg. Either 1 (ingoing) or -1 (outgoing). n : int or tuple[int, ...] mean charge of the distribution. sigma : number standard deviation of the distribution. D_total : int total bond dimension of the leg, to be distributed to sectors. nonnegative : bool If :code:`True`, cut off negative charges. legs : Sequence[yastn.Leg] limits charges to match provided legs (e.g., in tensor with zero charge). """ if config.sym.NSYM == 0: return Leg(config, s=s, D=(D_total,)) if n is None: n = try: # handle int input n = tuple(n) except TypeError: n = (n,) if len(n) != config.sym.NSYM: raise YastnError('len(n) is not consistent with provided symmetry.') an = np.array(n, dtype=np.int64) spanning_vectors = np.eye(len(n)) if not hasattr(config.sym, 'spanning_vectors') \ else np.array(config.sym.spanning_vectors) nvec = len(spanning_vectors) maxr = np.ceil(3 * sigma).astype(dtype=np.int64) if legs is None: shifts = np.zeros((2 * maxr + 1,) * nvec + (nvec,)) for i in range(nvec): dims = (1,) * i + (2 * maxr + 1,) + (1,) * (nvec - i - 1) shifts[(slice(None),) * nvec + (i,)] = np.reshape(np.arange(-maxr, maxr+1), dims) ts = shifts.reshape(-1, nvec) @ spanning_vectors + an ts = np.round(ts).astype(dtype=np.int64) ts = config.sym.fuse(ts.reshape(-1, 1, config.sym.NSYM), (1,), 1) else: ss = tuple(leg.s for leg in legs) comb_t = list(product(*(leg.t for leg in legs))) lcomb_t = len(comb_t) comb_t = list(_flatten(comb_t)) comb_t = np.array(comb_t, dtype=np.int64).reshape((lcomb_t, len(ss), len(n))) ts = config.sym.fuse(comb_t, ss, -s) if nonnegative: ts = ts[np.all(ts >= 0, axis=1)] uts = sorted(set(map(tuple, ts.tolist()))) ts = np.array(uts, dtype=np.int64) distance = np.linalg.norm((ts - an.reshape(1, len(n))) @ spanning_vectors.T, axis=1) pd = np.exp(- (distance ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) pd = pd / sum(pd) Ds = np.zeros(len(ts), dtype=np.int64) cdf = np.add.accumulate(pd).reshape(1, -1) # backend.rand gives distribution in [-1, 1]; subjected to backend seed fixing samples = (config.backend.rand(D_total, dtype='float64') + 1.) / 2. samples = np.array(samples).reshape(D_total, 1) inds = np.sum(samples > cdf, axis=1, dtype=np.int64) for i in inds: Ds[i] += 1 Ds = Ds.tolist() tnonzero, Dnonzero = zip(*[(t, D) for t, D in zip(uts, Ds) if D > 0]) return Leg(config, s=s, t=tnonzero, D=Dnonzero)
def _legs_mask_needed(*legs): if all(isinstance(leg, Leg) for leg in legs): return any(legs[0].hf != leg.hf for leg in legs) if all(isinstance(leg, LegMeta) for leg in legs): mf = legs[0].mf return any(_legs_mask_needed(*(mleg.legs[n] for mleg in legs)) for n in range(mf[0])) raise YastnError("Mixing meta- and hard-fused legs")
[docs] def leg_product(*legs, t_allowed=None) -> yastn.Leg: """ Output Leg being an outer product of a list of legs. Equivalent to result of :meth:`yastn.Tensor.get_legs` from tensor with fused legs (up to possibility that not all possible effective charges have to appear in fused tensor). Parameters ---------- legs : yastn.Leg legs to compute outer product from. t_allowed : Sequence[Sequence[int]] limit effective charges to the ones provided in the list. """ # here assumes that all legs are 'hard fused' seff = legs[0].s sym = legs[0].sym comb_t = tuple(product(*(leg.t for leg in legs))) comb_t = np.array(comb_t, dtype=np.int64).reshape((len(comb_t), len(legs), sym.NSYM)) comb_D = tuple(product(*(leg.D for leg in legs))) comb_D = np.array(comb_D, dtype=np.int64).reshape((len(comb_D), len(legs))) teff = sym.fuse(comb_t, tuple(leg.s for leg in legs), seff).tolist() Deff =, axis=1, dtype=np.int64).tolist() tDs = sorted((tuple(x), y) for x, y in zip(teff, Deff)) # tnew, Dnew = [], [] for t, group in groupby(tDs, key=itemgetter(0)): if t_allowed is None or t in t_allowed: tnew.append(t) Dnew.append(sum(tD[1] for tD in group)) tnew = tuple(tnew) Dnew = tuple(Dnew) hfs = tuple(leg.hf for leg in legs) ts = tuple(leg.t for leg in legs) Ds = tuple(leg.D for leg in legs) hf = _combine_hfs_prod(hfs, ts, Ds, seff) return Leg(sym=sym, s=seff, t=tnew, D=Dnew, hf=hf)
[docs] def undo_leg_product(leg) -> Sequence[yastn.Leg]: """ Reverse the operation of :meth:`yastn.leg_product`. Parameters ---------- leg : yastn.Leg legs to compute outer product from. """ hst = leg.history() if hst[0] in ('o', 's'): raise YastnError('Leg is not a result of outer_product.') # elif hst[0] == 'p': ts, Ds, ss, hfs = _unfuse_Fusion(leg.hf) return tuple(Leg(sym=leg.sym, s=s, t=t, D=D, hf=hf) for s, t, D, hf in zip(ss, ts, Ds, hfs))
[docs] def legs_union(*legs) -> yastn.Leg: """ Output Leg that represent space being an union of spaces of a list of legs. It collects charges appearing in all provided legs. Their dimensions and fusion history have to match. """ legs = list(legs) if len(legs) == 1: return legs.pop() if all(isinstance(leg, Leg) for leg in legs): if any(leg.sym.SYM_ID != legs[0].sym.SYM_ID for leg in legs): raise YastnError('Provided legs have different symmetries.') if any(leg.s != legs[0].s for leg in legs): raise YastnError('Provided legs have different signatures.') if any(leg.hf != legs[0].hf for leg in legs): t, D, hf = _hfs_union(legs[0].sym, [leg.t for leg in legs], [leg.hf for leg in legs]) else: tD = {t: D for leg in legs for t, D in zip(leg.t, leg.D)} if any(tD[t] != D for leg in legs for t, D in zip(leg.t, leg.D)): raise YastnError('Legs have inconsistent dimensions.') tD = dict(sorted(tD.items())) t = tuple(tD.keys()) D = tuple(tD.values()) hf = legs[0].hf return Leg(sym=legs[0].sym, s=legs[0].s, t=t, D=D, hf=hf) if all(isinstance(leg, LegMeta) for leg in legs): mf = legs[0].mf if any(mf != for leg in legs): raise YastnError('Meta-fusions do not match.') new_legs = tuple(legs_union(*(mleg.legs[n] for mleg in legs)) for n in range(mf[0])) nsym = legs[0].sym.NSYM t = tuple(sorted(set.union(*(set(leg.t) for leg in legs)))) Dt = [tuple(leg[x[n * nsym: (n + 1) * nsym]] for n, leg in enumerate(new_legs)) for x in t] D = tuple(, axis=1, dtype=np.int64).tolist()) return LegMeta(sym=legs[0].sym, s=legs[0].s, t=t, D=D, mf=legs[0].mf, legs=new_legs) raise YastnError('All arguments of legs_union should have consistent fusions.')
def _str_tree(tree, op) -> str: if len(tree) == 1: return op st, op, tree = op[0] + '(', op[1:], tree[1:] while len(tree) > 0: slc = [pos for pos, node in enumerate(tree) if node == 1][tree[0] - 1] + 1 st = st + _str_tree(tree[:slc], op[:slc]) tree, op = tree[slc:], op[slc:] return st + ')'