Tensor# What are abelian-symmetric tensors# What are abelian-symmetric tensors Basic concepts Tensors Action of abelian symmetry Examples for selected groups Conjugation References & Related works API: yastn and yastn.Tensor# API: yastn and yastn.Tensor YASTN configuration make_config() Specifying symmetry sym_abelian Example symmetries defined in YASTN Create Leg (vector space) Leg leg_product() undo_leg_product() random_leg() legs_union() Creating symmetric YASTN tensors Initializing symmetric tensors from scratch Basic creation operations Copying and cloning with autograd Changing tensor’s device or dtype Import/Export of YASTN tensors from/to different formats Predefined YASTN tensors Spin-1/2 and Pauli matrices Spin-1 Spinless fermions Spinful fermions Accessing YASTN tensors Direct access to blocks Converting to dense tensors, scalars Algebra with YASTN tensors Basic algebra operations with symmetric tensors Simple element-wise operations Tensor contractions Transposition Fusion of legs (reshaping) Conjugation of symmetric tensors Tensor norms Spectral decompositions and truncation Auxliary Inspecting YASTN tensors Get information about tensor’s structure and properties Autograd support Tensor.requires_grad_() Krylov methods Implemented in yastn Other libraries Examples: basics of usage# Examples: basics of usage Basic tensor initialization and creation operations Create tensors from scratch Create empty tensor and fill it block by block Clone, detach or copy tensors Serialization of symmetric tensors Direct access to blocks Linear algebra with symmetric tensors Basic algebra operations Tensor contractions Transposition Fusion (reshaping) Conjugation of symmetric tensors Decompositions of symmetric tensors SVD decompositions and truncation QR decompositions Combining with scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs