Basic concepts#
Tensors are multilinear maps from products of several vector spaces
where \(V^j\) and \(V_j\) refers to vector space that is either covariant or contravariant with respect to transformations acting on these spaces. YASTN refers to individual spaces \(V\) as legs. The tensor \(T\) expressed in bases and components is
For tensors we introduce graphical notation where shapes represent tensors and lines protruding from the shape (legs) correspond to individual vector spaces
(generic) tensor, matrix, vector
V^i--| |--V_a ___ _
V^j--| T |--V_b V^i--|_M_|--V_a V^i--|W|
V^k--| |--V_c
YASTN defines a vector space and its abelian symmetry structure through yastn.Leg
In quantum mechanics, we introduce an operator
where due to different actions of symmetry transformations vector spaces are split between \(\langle bra |\) and \(|ket \rangle\) spaces, or Hilbert space \(\mathcal{H}\) and its dual \(\mathcal{H}^*\).
In YASTN, similar to other implementations (see below), the distinction between
\(\langle bra |\) and \(|ket \rangle\) spaces, is encoded through signature atribute of yastn.Leg
assigned to a tensor.
Signature of the tensor, i.e, yastn.Tensor.s
, is a tuple of signs \(\pm 1\) matching signatures of individual legs.
Action of abelian symmetry#
For any element \(g\) of abelian group \(G\), its action on tensor elements \(T^{ab...}_{ij...}\) in a proper basis can be represented by diagonal matrices \(U(g)\) acting on each of the vector spaces
where the elements of \(U(g)\) are complex phases defined by charges \(t_i\). In YASTN the charges are integers \(t_i\in\mathbb{Z}\) or their subset—or tuples of integers for direct product of multiple symmetric groups. They are related to symmetry transformation
where \(\delta_{jk}\) is a Kronecker delta and the angle \(\theta_g \in [0,2\pi)\) depends on \(g \in G\). The structure gives a simple selection rule that all symmetric tensors must obey.
Taking group element \(g \in G\) for all non-zero elements of \(T\), it must hold that
The selection rule can be equivalently expressed as charge conservation
where \(s_j\) is the signature and \(t_j\) is the change of corresponding sectors. For the tensor \(T\) in the examples above
with total charge of the tensor \(n\) being independent of tensor elements \(T^{ab...}_{ij...}\). For \(n=0\), a tensor is invariant (unchanged) under the action of the symmetry. Otherwise, it transforms covariantly as all its elements are altered by the same complex phase \(\exp(i\theta_g n)\).
The charges \(t_i,\ n\) and precise form of their addition \(+\) depends on the abelian group considered.
Total charge \(n\) of YASTN tensor is accessed by
.To inspect what charge sectors \(t_i\) exist on legs of a tensor use
Examples for selected groups#
\(U(1)\): allowed charges are integers \(t_i \in \mathbb{Z}\) with usual integer addition and \(\theta_g\) is usual angle \(\theta_g \in [0,2\pi)\).
\(Z_2\): allowed charges are a subset of integers \(t_i \in \{0,1\}\) with addition \(\textrm{mod 2}\). Two elements of the group map to angles \(\{0,1\}\xrightarrow{\theta} \{0,\pi\}\).
\(Z_2 \times U(1)\): direct product of two symmetries lead to allowed charges that are individual group charges accummulated in a vector \(t_i \in \{0,1\} \otimes \mathbb{Z}\). The addition is distributed, i.e.,
See API docs on how YASTN defines symmetries.
Conjugation of a tensor acts such as all tensor elements are complex-conjugated, tensor leg signature is flipped by
replacing \(\pm 1 \to \mp 1\) in leg signature yastn.Tensor.s
, and, similarly, the total charge is flipped \(n \to -n\).
In the latter, the change of a sign by minus depends on the abelian group.
Individual flip of the signature of a specific leg is also possible and is accompanied by negation of charges on that leg.
See API docs for various types of conjugation.