# Copyright 2024 The YASTN Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ==============================================================================
from itertools import accumulate
from .... import Tensor, YastnError
from ... import mps
from ._env_auxlliary import identity_tm_boundary
class EnvBoundaryMPS:
Boundary MPS class for finite PEPS contraction.
def __init__(self, psi, opts_svd, setup='l', opts_var=None):
self.psi = psi
self._env = {}
li, ri = 0, psi.Ny-1
ti, bi = 0, psi.Nx-1
if 'l' in setup or 'r' in setup:
tmpo = psi.transfer_mpo(n=ri, dirn='v')
self._env['r', ri] = identity_tm_boundary(tmpo)
tmpo = psi.transfer_mpo(n=li, dirn='v').H
self._env['l', li] = identity_tm_boundary(tmpo)
if 'b' in setup or 't' in setup:
tmpo = psi.transfer_mpo(n=ti, dirn='h')
self._env['t', ti] = identity_tm_boundary(tmpo)
tmpo = psi.transfer_mpo(n=bi, dirn='h').H
self._env['b', bi] = identity_tm_boundary(tmpo)
self.info = {}
if opts_var == None:
opts_var = {'max_sweeps': 2, 'normalize': False,}
if 'r' in setup:
for ny in range(ri-1, li-1, -1):
tmpo = psi.transfer_mpo(n=ny+1, dirn='v')
phi0 = self._env['r', ny+1]
self._env['r', ny], discarded = mps.zipper(tmpo, phi0, opts_svd, return_discarded=True)
mps.compression_(self._env['r', ny], (tmpo, phi0), **opts_var)
self.info['r', ny] = {'discarded': discarded}
if 'l' in setup:
for ny in range(li+1, ri+1):
tmpo = psi.transfer_mpo(n=ny-1, dirn='v').H
phi0 = self._env['l', ny-1]
self._env['l', ny], discarded = mps.zipper(tmpo, phi0, opts_svd, return_discarded=True)
mps.compression_(self._env['l', ny], (tmpo, phi0), **opts_var)
self.info['l', ny] = {'discarded': discarded}
if 't' in setup:
for nx in range(ti+1, bi+1):
tmpo = psi.transfer_mpo(n=nx-1, dirn='h')
phi0 = self._env['t', nx-1]
self._env['t', nx], discarded = mps.zipper(tmpo, phi0, opts_svd, return_discarded=True)
mps.compression_(self._env['t', nx], (tmpo, phi0), **opts_var)
self.info['t', nx] = {'discarded': discarded}
if 'b' in setup:
for nx in range(bi-1, ti-1, -1):
tmpo = psi.transfer_mpo(n=nx+1, dirn='h').H
phi0 = self._env['b', nx+1]
self._env['b', nx], discarded = mps.zipper(tmpo, phi0, opts_svd, return_discarded=True)
mps.compression_(self._env['b', nx], (tmpo, phi0), **opts_var)
self.info['b', nx] = {'discarded': discarded}
def boundary_mps(self, n, dirn):
return self._env[dirn, n]
def measure_1site(peps_env, O):
Calculate all 1-point expectation values <O_j> in a finite PEPS.
Takes CTM environments and operators.
O: dict[tuple[int, int], dict[int, operators]]
mapping sites with list of operators at each site.
out = {}
psi = peps_env.psi
Nx, Ny = psi.Nx, psi.Ny
sites = [(nx, ny) for ny in range(Ny-1, -1, -1) for nx in range(Nx)]
opdict = _clear_operator_input(O, sites)
for ny in range(Ny-1, -1, -1):
vR = peps_env.boundary_mps(n=ny, dirn='r')
vL = peps_env.boundary_mps(n=ny, dirn='l')
Os = psi.transfer_mpo(n=ny, dirn='v')
env = mps.Env(vL, [Os, vR]).setup_(to='first').setup_(to='last')
norm_env = env.measure()
for nx in range(Nx):
if (nx, ny) in opdict:
for nz, o in opdict[nx, ny].items():
env.update_env_(nx, to='first')
out[(nx, ny) + nz] = env.measure(bd=(nx-1, nx)) / norm_env
return out
def measure_2site(peps_env, O, P, opts_svd, opts_var=None):
Calculate all 2-point correlations <O_i P_j> in a finite PEPS.
Takes CTM environments and operators.
O, P: dict[tuple[int, int], dict[int, operators]],
mapping sites with list of operators at each site.
out = {}
if opts_var is None:
opts_var = {'max_sweeps': 2}
psi = peps_env.psi
Nx, Ny = psi.Nx, psi.Ny
sites = [(nx, ny) for ny in range(Ny-1, -1, -1) for nx in range(Nx)]
op1dict = _clear_operator_input(O, sites)
op2dict = _clear_operator_input(P, sites)
for nx1, ny1 in sites:
# print( f"Correlations from {nx1} {ny1} ... ")
for nz1, o1 in op1dict[nx1, ny1].items():
vR = peps_env.boundary_mps(n=ny1, dirn='r')
vL = peps_env.boundary_mps(n=ny1, dirn='l')
Os = psi.transfer_mpo(n=ny1, dirn='v')
env = mps.Env(vL, [Os, vR]).setup_(to='first').setup_(to='last')
norm_env = env.measure(bd=(-1, 0))
if ny1 > 0:
vRnext = mps.zipper(Os, vR, opts_svd=opts_svd)
mps.compression_(vRnext, (Os, vR), method='1site', normalize=False, **opts_var)
# first calculate on-site correlations
for nz2, o2 in op2dict[nx1, ny1].items():
Os[nx1].set_operator_(o1 @ o2)
env.update_env_(nx1, to='last')
out[(nx1, ny1) + nz1, (nx1, ny1) + nz2] = env.measure(bd=(nx1, nx1+1)) / norm_env
if ny1 > 0:
vRo1next = mps.zipper(Os, vR, opts_svd=opts_svd)
mps.compression_(vRo1next, (Os, vR), method='1site', normalize=False, **opts_var)
# calculate correlations along the row
for nx2 in range(nx1 + 1, Nx):
for nz2, o2 in op2dict[nx2, ny1].items():
env.update_env_(nx2, to='first')
out[(nx1, ny1) + nz1, (nx2, ny1) + nz2] = env.measure(bd=(nx2-1, nx2)) / norm_env
# and all subsequent rows
for ny2 in range(ny1-1, -1, -1):
vR = vRnext
vRo1 = vRo1next
vL = peps_env.boundary_mps(n=ny2, dirn='l')
Os = psi.transfer_mpo(n=ny2, dirn='v')
env = mps.Env(vL, [Os, vR]).setup_(to='first')
norm_env = env.measure(bd=(-1, 0))
if ny2 > 0:
vRnext = mps.zipper(Os, vR, opts_svd=opts_svd)
mps.compression_(vRnext, (Os, vR), method='1site', normalize=False, **opts_var)
vRo1next = mps.zipper(Os, vRo1, opts_svd=opts_svd)
mps.compression_(vRo1next, (Os, vRo1), method='1site', normalize=False, **opts_var)
env = mps.Env(vL, [Os, vRo1]).setup_(to='first').setup_(to='last')
for nx2 in range(psi.Nx):
for nz2, o2 in op2dict[nx2, ny2].items():
env.update_env_(nx2, to='first')
out[(nx1, ny1) + nz1, (nx2, ny2) + nz2] = env.measure(bd=(nx2-1, nx2)) / norm_env
return out
def sample(peps_env, projectors, opts_svd=None, opts_var=None):
Sample a random configuration from a finite PEPS.
Takes CTM environments and a complete list of projectors to sample from.
psi = peps_env.psi
config = psi[0, 0].config
rands = (config.backend.rand(psi.Nx * psi.Ny) + 1) / 2
out = {}
count = 0
vR = peps_env.boundary_mps(n=psi.Ny-1, dirn='r') # right boundary of indexed column through CTM environment tensors
for ny in range(psi.Ny - 1, -1, -1):
Os = psi.transfer_mpo(n=ny, dirn='v') # converts ny colum of PEPS to MPO
vL = peps_env.boundary_mps(n=ny, dirn='l') # left boundary of indexed column through CTM environment tensors
env = mps.Env(vL, [Os, vR]).setup_(to = 'first')
for nx in range(0, psi.Nx):
loc_projectors = projectors[nx, ny]
prob = []
norm_prob = env.measure(bd=(nx - 1, nx))
for proj in loc_projectors:
env.update_env_(nx, to='last')
prob.append(env.measure(bd=(nx, nx+1)) / norm_prob)
assert abs(sum(prob) - 1) < 1e-12
rand = rands[count]
ind = sum(apr < rand for apr in accumulate(prob))
out[nx, ny] = ind
Os[nx].set_operator_(loc_projectors[ind]) # updated with the new collapse
env.update_env_(nx, to='last')
count += 1
if opts_svd is None:
opts_svd = {'D_total': max(vL.get_bond_dimensions())}
vRnew = mps.zipper(Os, vR, opts_svd=opts_svd)
if opts_var is None:
opts_var = {}
mps.compression_(vRnew, (Os, vR), method='1site', **opts_var)
vR = vRnew
return out
def sample_MC_(proj_env, st0, st1, st2, psi, projectors, opts_svd, opts_var, trial="local"):
Monte Carlo steps in a finite peps. Makes two steps
while sweeping finite lattice back and forth.
Takes environments and a complete list of projectors to sample from.
proj_env, st1, st2 are updated in place
if trial == "local":
_sample_MC_column = _sample_MC_column_local
elif trial == "uniform":
_sample_MC_column = _sample_MC_column_uniform
raise YastnError(f"{trial=} not supported.")
Nx, Ny = psi.Nx, psi.Ny
config = psi[0, 0].config
# pre-draw uniformly distributed random numbers as iterator;
rands = iter((config.backend.rand(2 * Nx * Ny) + 1) / 2) # in [0, 1]
# sweep though the lattice
accept = 0
for ny in range(Ny-1, -1, -1):
vR, Os, _, astep = _sample_MC_column(ny, proj_env, st0, st1, psi, projectors, rands)
accept += astep
if ny > 0:
vRnew = mps.zipper(Os, vR, opts_svd=opts_svd)
mps.compression_(vRnew, (Os, vR), method='1site', **opts_var)
proj_env._env['r', ny-1] = vRnew
proj_env._env.pop(('l', ny))
for ny in range(Ny):
_, Os, vL, astep = _sample_MC_column(ny, proj_env, st1, st2, psi, projectors, rands)
accept += astep
if ny < Ny - 1:
OsT = Os.H
vLnew = mps.zipper(OsT, vL, opts_svd=opts_svd)
mps.compression_(vLnew, (OsT, vL), method='1site', **opts_var)
proj_env._env['l', ny+1] = vLnew
proj_env._env.pop(('r', ny))
return accept / (2 * Nx * Ny) # acceptance rate
def _clear_operator_input(op, sites):
op_dict = op.copy() if isinstance(op, dict) else {site: op for site in sites}
for k, v in op_dict.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
op_dict[k] = {(i,): vi for i, vi in v.items()}
elif isinstance(v, Tensor):
op_dict[k] = {(): v}
else: # is iterable
op_dict[k] = {(i,): vi for i, vi in enumerate(v)}
return op_dict
def _sample_MC_column_local(ny, proj_env, st0, st1, psi, projectors, rands):
# update is proposed based on local probabilies
vR = proj_env.boundary_mps(n=ny, dirn='r')
Os = proj_env.psi.transfer_mpo(n=ny, dirn='v')
vL = proj_env.boundary_mps(n=ny, dirn='l')
env = mps.Env(vL, [Os, vR]).setup_(to='first')
for nx in range(psi.Nx):
amp = env.hole(nx).tensordot(psi[nx, ny], axes=((0, 1), (0, 1)))
prob = [abs(amp.vdot(pr, conj=(0, 0))) ** 2 for pr in projectors[nx, ny]]
sumprob = sum(prob)
prob = [x / sumprob for x in prob]
rand = next(rands)
ind = sum(x < rand for x in accumulate(prob))
st1[nx, ny] = ind
proj_env.psi[nx, ny] = (psi[nx, ny] @ projectors[nx, ny][ind])
Os[nx] = proj_env.psi[nx, ny]
env.update_env_(nx, to='last')
accept = psi.Nx
return vR, Os, vL, accept
def _sample_MC_column_uniform(ny, proj_env, st0, st1, psi, projectors, rands):
# update is proposed from uniform local distribution
config = proj_env.psi[0, 0].config
accept = 0
vR = proj_env.boundary_mps(n=ny, dirn='r')
Os = proj_env.psi.transfer_mpo(n=ny, dirn='v')
vL = proj_env.boundary_mps(n=ny, dirn='l')
env = mps.Env(vL, [Os, vR]).setup_(to='first')
for nx in range(psi.Nx):
A = psi[nx, ny]
ind0 = st0[nx, ny]
ind1 = config.backend.randint(0, len(projectors[nx, ny]))
pr0 = projectors[nx, ny][ind0]
pr1 = projectors[nx, ny][ind1]
A0 = (A @ pr0).unfuse_legs(axes=(0, 1))
A1 = (A @ pr1).unfuse_legs(axes=(0, 1))
Os[nx] = A1
env.update_env_(nx, to='last')
prob_new = abs(env.measure(bd=(nx, nx+1))) ** 2
Os[nx] = A0
env.update_env_(nx, to='last')
prob_old = abs(env.measure(bd=(nx, nx+1))) ** 2
if next(rands) < prob_new / prob_old: # accept
accept += 1
st1[nx, ny] = ind1
proj_env.psi[nx, ny] = A1
Os[nx] = A1
env.update_env_(nx, to='last')
else: # reject
st1[nx, ny] = ind0
return vR, Os, vL, accept