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import numpy as np
from typing import NamedTuple
from ... import exp, ncon, eigh
from ._gates_auxiliary import fkron

[docs] class Gate_nn(NamedTuple): """ ``G0`` should be before ``G1`` in the fermionic and lattice orders (``G0`` acts on the left/top site; ``G1`` acts on the right/bottom site from a pair of nearest-neighbor sites). The third legs of ``G0`` and ``G1`` are auxiliary legs connecting them into a two-site operator. If a ``bond`` is ``None``, this is a general operator. Otherwise, ``bond`` carries information where it should be applied (potentially, after fixing order mismatches). """ G0 : tuple = None G1 : tuple = None bond : tuple = None
[docs] class Gate_local(NamedTuple): r""" ``G`` is a local operator with ``ndim=2``. If ``site`` is ``None``, this is a general operator. Otherwise, ``site`` carries information where it should be applied. """ G : tuple = None site : tuple = None
[docs] class Gates(NamedTuple): r""" List of nearest-neighbor and local operators to be applied to PEPS by :meth:``. """ nn : list = () # list of NN gates local : list = () # list of local gates
def decompose_nn_gate(Gnn, bond=None) -> Gate_nn: r""" Auxiliary function cutting a two-site gate with SVD into two local operators with the connecting legs. """ U, S, V = Gnn.svd_with_truncation(axes=((0, 2), (1, 3)), sU=-1, tol=1e-14, Vaxis=2) S = S.sqrt() return Gate_nn(S.broadcast(U, axes=2), S.broadcast(V, axes=2), bond=bond)
[docs] def gate_nn_hopping(t, step, I, c, cdag, bond=None) -> Gate_nn: r""" Nearest-neighbor gate :math:`G = \exp(-step \cdot H)` for :math:`H = -t \cdot (cdag_1 c_2 + cdag_2 c_1)` :math:`G = I + (\cosh(x) - 1) (n_1 h_2 + h_1 n_2) + \sinh(x) (cdag_1 c_2 + cdag_2 c_1)`, where :math:`x = t \cdot step` """ n = cdag @ c h = c @ cdag II = fkron(I, I, sites=(0, 1)) nh = fkron(n, h, sites=(0, 1)) hn = fkron(h, n, sites=(0, 1)) cc = fkron(cdag, c, sites=(0, 1)) + fkron(cdag, c, sites=(1, 0)) G = II + (np.cosh(t * step) - 1) * (nh + hn) + np.sinh(t * step) * cc return decompose_nn_gate(G, bond)
[docs] def gate_nn_Ising(J, step, I, X, bond=None) -> Gate_nn: r""" Nearest-neighbor gate :math:`G = \exp(-step \cdot H)` for :math:`H = J X_1 X_2`, where :math:`X` is a Pauli matrix. :math:`G = \cosh(x) I - \sinh(x) X_1 X_2`, where :math:`x = step \cdot J`. """ II = fkron(I, I, sites=(0, 1)) XX = fkron(X, X, sites=(0, 1)) G = np.cosh(J * step) * II - np.sinh(J * step) * XX return decompose_nn_gate(G, bond)
def gate_nn_tJ(J, tu, td, muu0, muu1, mud0, mud1, step, I, cu, cpu, cd, cpd, bond=None) -> Gate_nn: r""" Nearest-neighbor gate :math:`G = \exp(-step \cdot H_{tj})` """ nu = cpu @ cu nd = cpd @ cd Sp = cpu @ cd Sm = cpd @ cu H = 0 * fkron(I, I, sites=(0, 1)) H = H + 0.5 * J * fkron(Sp, Sm, sites=(0, 1)) H = H + 0.5 * J * fkron(Sm, Sp, sites=(0, 1)) H = H - 0.5 * J * fkron(nu, nd, sites=(0, 1)) H = H - 0.5 * J * fkron(nd, nu, sites=(0, 1)) H = H - tu * fkron(cpu, cu, sites=(0, 1)) H = H - tu * fkron(cpu, cu, sites=(1, 0)) H = H - td * fkron(cpd, cd, sites=(0, 1)) H = H - td * fkron(cpd, cd, sites=(1, 0)) H = H - muu0 * fkron(cpu @ cu, I, sites=(0, 1)) H = H - muu1 * fkron(I, cpu @ cu, sites=(0, 1)) H = H - mud0 * fkron(cpd @ cd, I, sites=(0, 1)) H = H - mud1 * fkron(I, cpd @ cd, sites=(0, 1)) H = H.fuse_legs(axes = ((0, 1), (2, 3))) D, S = eigh(H, axes = (0, 1)) D = exp(D, step=-step) G = ncon((S, D, S), ([-1, 1], [1, 2], [-3, 2]), conjs=(0, 0, 1)) G = G.unfuse_legs(axes=(0, 1)) return decompose_nn_gate(G, bond)
[docs] def gate_local_Coulomb(mu_up, mu_dn, U, step, I, n_up, n_dn, site=None) -> Gate_local: r""" Local gate :math:`\exp(-step \cdot H)` for :math:`H = U \cdot (n_{up} - I / 2) \cdot (n_{dn} - I / 2) - mu_{up} \cdot n_{up} - mu_{dn} \cdot n_{dn}` We ignore a constant :math:`U / 4` in the above Hamiltonian. """ nn = n_up @ n_dn G_loc = I G_loc = G_loc + (n_dn - nn) * (np.exp(step * (mu_dn + U / 2)) - 1) G_loc = G_loc + (n_up - nn) * (np.exp(step * (mu_up + U / 2)) - 1) G_loc = G_loc + nn * (np.exp(step * (mu_up + mu_dn)) - 1) return Gate_local(G_loc, site)
[docs] def gate_local_occupation(mu, step, I, n, site=None) -> Gate_local: r""" Local gate :math:`G = \exp(-step \cdot H)` for :math:`H = -mu \cdot n` :math:`G = I + n \cdot (\exp(mu \cdot step) - 1)` """ G_loc = I + n * (np.exp(mu * step) - 1) return Gate_local(G_loc, site)
[docs] def gate_local_field(h, step, I, X, site=None) -> Gate_local: r""" Local gate :math:`G = \exp(-step \cdot H)` for :math:`H = -h \cdot X` where :math:`X` is a Pauli matrix. :math:`G = \cosh(h \cdot step) \cdot I + \sinh(h \cdot step) \cdot X` """ G_loc = np.cosh(h * step) * I + np.sinh(h * step) * X return Gate_local(G_loc, site)
[docs] def distribute(geometry, gates_nn=None, gates_local=None) -> Gates: r""" Distributes gates homogeneous over the lattice. Parameters ---------- geometry : | | Geometry of PEPS lattice. Can be any structure that includes geometric information about the lattice, like the Peps class. nn : Gate_nn | Sequence[Gate_nn] Nearest-neighbor gate, or a list of gates, to be distributed over all unique lattice bonds. local : Gate_local | Sequence[Gate_local] Local gate, or a list of local gates, to be distributed over all unique lattice sites. """ if isinstance(gates_nn, Gate_nn): gates_nn = [gates_nn] nn = [] if gates_nn is not None: for bond in geometry.bonds(): for Gnn in gates_nn: nn.append(Gnn._replace(bond=bond)) if isinstance(gates_local, Gate_local): gates_local = [gates_local] local = [] if gates_local is not None: for site in geometry.sites(): for Gloc in gates_local: local.append(Gloc._replace(site=site)) return Gates(nn=nn, local=local)