
import numpy as np
import yastn
import as mps
config_kwargs = {"backend": "np"}

Canonical form by QR#

There are different algorithms, which can bring MPS/MPO into a canonical form. The cheapest way is by application of QR decomposition.

# Generate random MPS with no symmetry
psi = mps.random_dense_mps(N=16, D=15, d=2)

# rigth canonical form
# --A*--    --
#   |   | =   |Identity
# --A---    --

# left canonical form
#  --A*--             --
# |  |     = Identity|
#  --A---             --

Check if MPS/MPO is in left/right canonical form by verifying if each tensor forms an isometry after appropriate contraction with its conjugate.

def check_canonize(psi, tol=1e-12):
    """ Canonize mps to left and right, running tests if it is canonical. """
    ref_s = (-1, 1, 1) if psi.nr_phys == 1 else (-1, 1, 1, -1)
    norm = psi.norm()
    for to in ('last', 'first'):
        psi.canonize_(to=to, normalize=False)
        assert psi.is_canonical(to=to, tol=tol)
        assert all(psi[site].s == ref_s for site in psi.sweep())
        assert psi.pC is None
        assert len(psi.A) == len(psi)
        assert abs(psi.factor / norm - 1) < tol
        assert abs(mps.vdot(psi, psi) / norm ** 2 - 1) < tol

    for to in ('last', 'first'):
        phi = psi.shallow_copy()
        assert abs(phi.factor - 1) < tol
        assert abs(mps.vdot(phi, phi) - 1) < tol

Canonical form by SVD#

Bringing MPS/MPO into canonical form through SVD decomposition is computationally more expensive than QR, but allows for truncation. Truncation is governed by options passed as opts_dict to yastn.linalg.truncation_mask() that is applied after each SVD during the sweep through MPS/MPO.


Faithfull SVD truncation requires MPS/MPO to be in the canonical form of the opposite direction to the direction of the truncation sweep.

# There are different options which we can pass, see `truncation_mask`.
# Defaults are assumed for options not explictly specified.
opts_svd = {
        'D_total': 4,      # total number of singular values to keep
        'D_block': 2,      # maximal number of singular values
                           # to keep in a single block
        'tol': 1e-6,       # relative tolerance of singular values
                           # below which to truncate across all blocks
        'tol_blocks': 1e-6 # relative tolerance of singular values
                           # within individual blocks below which to

# Generate random MPS with no symmetry
psi = mps.random_dense_mps(N=16, D=15, d=2)

# Bring MPS to canonical form and truncate (here, right canonical form).
# For MPS we usually normalize the state.
psi.truncate_(to='first', opts_svd=opts_svd)

# Generate random MPO with no symmetry
H = mps.random_dense_mpo(N=16, D=25, d=2)

# Bring MPO to canonical form and truncate (here, left canonical form).
# For MPO we do not want to change overall scale, thus no normalization.
H.canonize_(to='first', normalize=False)
H.truncate_(to='last', opts_svd=opts_svd, normalize=False)


We can test the multiplication of MPO and MPS using an example of a ground state obtained with DMRG.

def test_multiplication_example_gs(config_kwargs, tol=1e-12):
    Calculate ground state and tests, within eigen-condition,
    functions mps.multiply, __mul__, mps.zipper and mps.add

    This test presents multiplication as part of the DMRG study.
    We use multiplication to get expectation values from a state.
    Knowing the exact solution, we will compare it to the value we obtain.
    N = 7
    Eng = -3.427339492125
    t, mu = 1.0, 0.2
    ops = yastn.operators.SpinlessFermions(sym='U1', **config_kwargs)
    # The Hamiltonian is obtained using Hterm.
    I = mps.product_mpo(ops.I(), N)  # identity MPO
    terms = []
    for i in range(N - 1):
        terms.append(mps.Hterm(t, (i, i+1), (ops.cp(), ops.c())))
        terms.append(mps.Hterm(t, (i+1, i), (ops.cp(), ops.c())))
    for i in range(N):
        terms.append(mps.Hterm(mu, [i], [ops.cp() @ ops.c()]))
    H = mps.generate_mpo(I, terms)
    # To standardize this test we fix a seed for random MPS we use.
    # In this example we use yastn.Tensor with U1 symmetry.
    total_charge = 3
    psi = mps.random_mps(I, D_total=8, n=total_charge)
    # We set truncation for DMRG and run the algorithm in '2site' version.
    opts_svd = {'D_total': 8}
    opts_dmrg = {'max_sweeps': 20, 'Schmidt_tol': 1e-14}
    out = mps.dmrg_(psi, H, method='2site', **opts_dmrg, opts_svd=opts_svd)
    out = mps.dmrg_(psi, H, method='1site', **opts_dmrg)
    # Test if we obtained the exact solution for energy?:
    assert abs( - Eng) < tol
    # We should have the ground state.
    # Now we calculate the variation of energy <H^2>-<H>^2=<(H-Eng)^2>
    # to check if DMRG converged properly to tol.
    # There are a few ways to do that:
    # case 1/
    # Find approximate Mps representing H @ psi. This is done in two steps.
    # First, zipper function gives a good first approximation
    # though a series of svd.
    Hpsi = mps.zipper(H, psi, opts_svd={"D_total": 8})  # here, Hpsi is normalized
    # Second, compression is optimizing the overlap
    # between approximation and a product H @ psi.
    mps.compression_(Hpsi, (H, psi), method='2site', max_sweeps=5,
                     Schmidt_tol=1e-6, opts_svd={"D_total": 8},
                     normalize=False)  # norm of Hpsi approximates norm of H @ psi
    # Use mps.norm() to get variation.
    # Norm canonizes a copy of the state and, close to zero,
    # is more precise than direct contraction using vdot.
    p0 = Eng * psi - Hpsi
    assert p0.norm() < tol
    # case 2/
    # Here H @ psi is calculated exactly with resulting
    # bond dimension being a product of bond dimensions of H and psi.
    Hpsi = mps.multiply(H, psi)
    p0 = Eng * psi - Hpsi
    assert p0.norm() < tol
    # Equivalently we can call.
    Hpsi = H @ psi
    p0 = Eng * psi - Hpsi
    assert p0.norm() < tol