Expectation values#
import numpy as np
import yastn
import yastn.tn.mps as mps
config_kwargs = {"backend": "np"}
Expectation values in AKLT state#
def test_measure_mps_aklt(config_kwargs, tol=1e-12):
""" Test measuring MPS expectation values in AKLT state"""
# AKLT state with open boundary conditions and N = 31 sites.
N = 31
psi = build_aklt_state_manually(config_kwargs, N, lvec=(1, 0), rvec=(1, 0))
# We verify transfer matrix in the middle of AKLT state
# to specify the effect of lvec and rvec
A = psi[N // 2] # read MPS tensor
T = yastn.ncon((A, A.conj()), ((-0, 1, -2), (-1, 1, -3)))
T = T.fuse_legs(axes=((0, 1), (2, 3)))
Tref = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 2],
[0, -1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, -1, 0],
[2, 0, 0, 1]])
assert np.allclose(T.to_numpy(), Tref / 3, atol=tol)
# psi1 is not normalized.
# Norm is very close to sqrt(0.5) for this system size.
norm = psi.norm() # use canonization to calculate norm
norm2 = mps.vdot(psi, psi) # directly contract mps squared
assert abs(norm - np.sqrt(0.5)) < tol
assert abs(norm2 - 0.5) < tol
# Initialize dense Spin1 operators for expectation values calculations
ops = yastn.operators.Spin1(sym='dense', **config_kwargs)
# Measure Sz at the first and last sites
ez = mps.measure_1site(psi, {0: ops.sz(), N-1: ops.sz()}, psi)
assert len(ez) == 2 and isinstance(ez, dict)
assert abs(ez[0] - 1./3) < tol # psi is not normalized
assert abs(ez[N - 1] + 1./3) < tol
# the same with other syntaxes
ez_bis = mps.measure_1site(psi, ops.sz(), psi, sites=[0, N-1])
assert ez == ez_bis
ez0 = mps.measure_1site(psi, ops.sz(), psi, sites=0) # this return a number
assert abs(ez0 - 1./3) < tol
# with normalised state
psin = psi / norm
ez = mps.measure_1site(psin, ops.sz(), psin) # calculate sz on all sites
assert len(ez) == N and isinstance(ez, dict)
assert abs(ez[0] - 2. / 3) < tol # psin is normalized
# Calculate <Sz_i Sz_j> for (i, j) = (n, n+r) with r=1
ezz = mps.measure_2site(psin, ops.sz(), ops.sz(), psin, bonds='r1')
assert len(ezz) == N - 1 and isinstance(ezz, dict)
assert all(abs(ezznn + 4. / 9) < tol for ezznn in ezz.values())
# here calculate a single bond, returning a number
ezz12 = mps.measure_2site(psin, ops.sz(), ops.sz(), psin, bonds=(1, 2))
assert abs(ezz12 + 4. / 9) < tol
# Measure string operator; exp (i pi * Sz) = I - 2 * abs(Sz)
esz = ops.I() - 2 * abs(ops.sz())
Hterm = mps.Hterm(amplitude=1,
positions=(10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15),
operators=(ops.sz(), esz, esz, esz, esz, ops.sz()))
I = mps.product_mpo(ops.I(), N)
Ostring = mps.generate_mpo(I, [Hterm]) # MPO a string correlator
Estring = mps.vdot(psin, Ostring, psin)
assert abs(Estring + 4. / 9) < tol
Entropy and spectrum in GHZ-like state#
@pytest.mark.parametrize('sym', ['dense', 'Z3', 'U1'])
def test_mps_spectrum_ghz(config_kwargs, sym, tol=1e-12):
""" Test measuring Schmidt spectrum and entropy of mps. """
N = 8
# consider 3-dimensional local Hilbert space
ops = yastn.operators.Spin1(sym=sym, **config_kwargs)
# take 3 orthonormal product states
psi1 = mps.product_mps(ops.vec_z(val=+0), N)
psi2 = mps.product_mps([ops.vec_z(val=+1), ops.vec_z(val=-1)], N)
psi3 = mps.product_mps([ops.vec_z(val=-1), ops.vec_z(val=+1)], N)
# For Z3 and U1, their sum has a well-defined
# global charge only for even N
psi = mps.add(psi1, psi2, psi3, amplitudes=(0.5, 0.25, -0.25))
# state psi is not normalized
assert abs(psi.norm() - np.sqrt(0.375)) < tol
# calculate Schmidt values; Schmidt values are properly normalized
schmidt_spectra = psi.get_Schmidt_values()
assert len(schmidt_spectra) == N + 1 and isinstance(schmidt_spectra, list)
assert all(abs(sv.norm() - 1) < tol for sv in schmidt_spectra)
bds = (1,) + (3,) * (N-1) + (1,) # (1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1) for N = 8
assert psi.get_bond_dimensions() == bds
# schmidt values are stored as diagonal yastn.Tensors
assert all(sv.isdiag and sv.get_shape() == (bd, bd)
for sv, bd in zip(schmidt_spectra, bds))
# mps.get_Schmidt_values is used by mps.get_entropy
entropies = psi.get_entropy()
assert len(entropies) == N + 1 and isinstance(entropies, list)
# by default calculate von Neuman entropy (base-2 log)
assert all(abs(ent - (np.log2(6) - 4/3)) < tol for ent in entropies[1:-1])
assert abs(entropies[0]) < tol and abs(entropies[-1]) < tol
# Renyi entropy with alpha=2 (and base-2 log)
entropies2 = psi.get_entropy(alpha=2)
assert all(abs(ent - 1.) < tol for ent in entropies2[1:-1])
assert abs(entropies2[0]) < tol and abs(entropies2[-1]) < tol
# the state psi is not affected by calculations
assert abs(psi.norm() - np.sqrt(0.375)) < tol