
Multiplication by a scalar#

MPS/MPO can be multiplied by a scalar using regular * and / operators, i.e., B = a * A, B = A * a or B = A / a.

Conjugation and transpose#


Makes a conjugation of the object.


Transpose of MPO. For MPS, return self.

property MpsMpoOBC.T:

Transpose of MPO. For MPS, return self.

Same as self.transpose()


Transpose and conjugate MPO. For MPS, return self.conj().

property MpsMpoOBC.H:

Transpose and conjugate of MPO. For MPS, return self.conj().

Same as self.conjugate_transpose()


New MPS/MPO with reversed order of sites and respectively transposed virtual tensor legs.

Addition of MPS/MPO#

Two MPS’s or two MPO’s can be added when their lengths, physical dimensions, and symmetries agree. The sum of two such objects, A and B, results in a new MPS/MPO, C = A + B, with tensors forming C given by a direct sum of A’s and B’s tensors along a virtual dimension.

   # a sum of two MPS's
              ___     ___    ___    ___      ___      ___    ___    ___
     A       |___|-D-|___|--|___|--|___|    |   |    |   |  |   |  |   |
C =  +  =  __ d|   ___ |  ___ |  ___ |   =  |   |-2D-|   |--|   |--|   |
     B    |___|:D-|___|:-|___|:-|___|:      |___|    |___|  |___|  |___|
           d|  |    |  |   |  |   |  |       d|        |      |      |
             \/      \/     \/     \/

To add many MPS/MPOs \(A_0, A_1,\dots\) at once, use, A_1,...).*states, amplitudes=None) MpsMpoOBC[source]#

Linear superposition of several MPS/MPOs with specific amplitudes, i.e., \(\sum_j \textrm{amplitudes[j]}{\times}\textrm{states[j]}\).

Compression (truncation of bond dimensions) is not performed.

  • states (Sequence[])

  • amplitudes (Sequence[scalar]) – If None, all amplitudes are set to \(1\).

Following example show an addition of two MPSs:

import yastn
import as mps
def test_addition_example(config_kwargs, tol=1e-12):
    # Define random MPS's without any symmetry
    ops = yastn.operators.Qdit(d=2, **config_kwargs)
    I = mps.product_mpo(ops.I(), N=8)
    psi0 = mps.random_mps(I, D_total=5)
    psi1 = mps.random_mps(I, D_total=3, dtype='complex128')

    # We want to calculate: res = psi0 + 2 * psi1.
    # There is a couple of ways:

    # A/
    resA = mps.add(psi0, 2.0 * psi1)

    # B/
    resB = mps.add(psi0, psi1, amplitudes=[1.0, 2.0])

    # C/
    resC = psi0 + 2.0 * psi1

    nresA, nresB, nresC = resA.norm(), resB.norm(), resC.norm()
    assert abs(mps.vdot(resA, resB) / (nresA * nresB) - 1) < tol
    assert abs(mps.vdot(resA, resC) / (nresA * nresC) - 1) < tol
    assert (x.get_bond_dimensions() == (1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 1)
            for x in (resA, resB, resC))

Products of MPO and MPS#

See examples at Multiplication.

API supports product @ of

i) MPO with MPS resulting in a new MPS in analogy with \(\hat{O}|\psi\rangle = |\phi\rangle\) (i.e. matrix-vector multiplication).

# a product of MPO O and MPS A

             ___        ___         ___
            |___|--D'--|___|--...--|___|      ___        ___         ___
C = O @ A =  _|_        _|_         _|_   =  |___|-DxD'-|___|--...--|___|
            |___|--D --|___|--...--|___|       |          |           |
              |          |           |

ii) two MPOs resulting in a new MPO corresponding to usual operator product \(\hat{O}\hat{P} = \hat{C}\) (matrix-matrix multiplication).

# a product of two MPO's O and P

             _|d_       _|_         _|_
            |___|--D---|___|--...--|___|    _|d          _|_         _|_
C = O @ P =  _|_        _|_         _|_  = |___|--DxD'--|___|--...--|___|
            |___|--D'--|___|--...--|___|     |d           |           |
              |d         |           |

One can either use call C = A @ B or in a more verbose form C = mps.multiply(A, B)., b, mode=None) MpsMpoOBC[source]#

Performs MPO-MPS product resulting in a new MPS, or MPO-MPO product resulting in a new MPO.

For MPS/MPO with no symmetry, the bond dimensions of the result are given by the product of the bond dimensions of the inputs. For symmetric MPS/MPO the virtual spaces of the result are given by fusion (i.e. resolving tensor product into direct sum) of the virtual spaces of the inputs.

\[V^{\textrm{result}}_{j,j+1} = V^{a}_{j,j+1} \otimes V^{b}_{j,j+1} = \sum_{c} V^{\textrm{result},c}_{j,j+1},\]

where the charge sectors \(V^{\textrm{result},c}\) are computed during fusion.


One can equivalently call a @ b.

  • a, b (, – MPO and MPS, or two MPO’s to be multiplied

  • mode (str) – mode for Tensor.fuse_legs(); If None (the default), use default setting from YASTN tensor’s configuration.

Multiplication with truncation#

See examples at Multiplication.

A fast procedure to multiply MPO by MPO/MPS while performing truncation is a zipper. The result can be subsequently fine-tuned using variational optimization., b, opts_svd=None, normalize=True, return_discarded=False)[source]#

Apply MPO a on MPS/MPS b, performing SVD compression during the sweep.

Perform canonization of b to the last site. Next, sweep back, attaching to it elements of a one at a time, truncating the resulting bond dimensions along the way. The resulting state is canonized to the first site and normalized to unity.

  • a, b (

  • opts_svd (dict) – truncation parameters for yastn.linalg.truncation_mask().

  • normalize (bool) – Whether to keep track of the norm of the initial state projected on the direction of the truncated state; default is True, i.e., sets the norm to \(1\). The individual tensors at the end of the procedure are in a proper canonical form.

  • return_discarded (bool) – Whether to return the approximation discarded weights together with the resulting MPS/MPO. The default is False, i.e., returns only MPS/MPO. Discarded weight approximates norm of truncated elements normalized by the norm of the untruncated state.