Lattice Geometry#

Geometric information about 2D lattice is captured by a class or its special subclasses and They all operate on a square lattice, where can be used for a finite system or an infinite system with a rectangular unit cell. works for an infinite system with a pattern of repeating tensors inside the unit cell. is a special case of the latter, with a \(2 \times 2\) unit cell and checkerboard pattern.

The geometry classes provide information on lattice sites (in particular, unique sites in the unit cell), unique bonds, and a way to navigate the lattice through the information on the neighborhood of each site.

Basic Elements#

Auxiliary objects in lattice definition are representing a pair of nearest-neighbor lattice sites, and for sites.

class Site = None, site1: Site = None)[source]#

A bond between two lattice sites.

Create new instance of Bond(site0, site1)

class int = 0, ny: int = 0)[source]#

Site coordinates (nx, ny) are consistent with matrix indexing with (row, column).

Create new instance of Site(nx, ny)

Core Classes#

class, 2), boundary='infinite')[source]#

Geometric information about 2D square lattice.

  • dims (tuple[int, int]) – Size of the unit cell in a form of dims=(rows, columns). Site(0, 0) corresponds to top-left corner of the unit cell.

  • boundary (str) – ‘infinite’ (the default) for an infinite lattice, ‘obc’ for a finite lattice, or ‘cylinder’ for a finite cylinder periodic along rows.

bonds(dirn=None, reverse=False) Sequence[Bond][source]#

Sequence of unique nearest neighbor bonds between lattice sites.

  • dirn (None | str) – return horizontal followed by vertical bonds if None; ‘v’ and ‘h’ are, respectively, for vertical and horizontal bonds only.

  • reverse (bool) – whether to reverse the order of bonds.

nn_site(site, d) Site | None[source]#

Index of the lattice site neighboring the site in the direction d.

For infinite lattices, this function simply shifts the site by provided vector d. For finite lattices with open/periodic boundary it handles corner cases where d is too large and the resulting site either doesn’t exist or it wraps around periodic boundary.

Return None if there is no neighboring site in a given direction.


d (str | tuple[int, int]) – Take values in: ‘t’, ‘b’, ‘l’, ‘r’, ‘tl’, ‘bl’, ‘tr’, ‘br’, or a tuple of shifts (dx, dy).

sites(reverse=False) Sequence[Site][source]#

Sequence of unique lattice sites.


Geometric information about infinite checkerboard lattice, which is an infinite lattice with \(2{\times}2\) unit cell and two unique tensors.

class, boundary='infinite')[source]#

Rectangular unit cells supporting patterns characterized by a single momentum Q=(q_x, q_y).

Inspired by b1592/ad-peps by B. Ponsioen.


pattern (Sequence[Sequence[int]] | dict[tuple[int, int], int]) – Definition of a rectangular unit cell that tiles the square lattice. Integers are labels of unique tensors populating the sites within the unit cell.

Examples of such patterns can be:

  • [[0,],] : 1x1 unit cell, Q=0

  • {(0, 0): 0} : 1x1 unit cell, Q=0

  • [[0, 1],] : 1x2 unit cell, Q=(0, pi)

  • {(0, 0): 0, (0, 1): 1} : 1x2 unit cell, Q=(0, pi)

  • [[0, 1], [1, 0]] : 2x2 unit cell with bipartite pattern, Q=(pi, pi). Equivalent to

  • [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1]] : 3x3 unit cell with diagonal stripe order, Q=(2pi/3, 2pi/3)


It is assumed that the neighborhood of each unique tensor is identical. This excludes cases such as [[0, 1], [1, 1]].