Basic concepts#

Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS)#

The Projected Entangled Pair State (PEPS) [1] [2] is a tensor network ansatz typically appearing in the context of two-dimensional (2D) systems. By construction, it satisfies the area law of entanglement entropy for such systems. It allows efficient simulations of ground and thermal states of many-body quantum systems in 2D with their respective area laws [3].

We employ PEPS constructed from a set of tensors located on a 2D square lattice. Each tensor has a physical leg, corresponding to the physical degrees of freedom of the lattice site, and virtual legs (bonds) connecting it to neighboring tensors. Here we implement a 2D square lattice of size \(L_{x}{\times}L_{y}\), with sites labeled by coordinates \((x,y)\) as shown below:

# Coordinates of the underlying 2D lattice

│   (0,0)     (0,1)   ...     (0,Ly-1)
│   (1,0)     (1,1)   ...     (1,Ly-1)
      .         .               .
      .                         .
      .                .        .

 (Lx-1,0)  (Lx-1,1)   ...  (Lx-1,Ly-1)

Each tensor \(A_{(x,y)}\) in PEPS is a rank-\(5\) tensor defined as follows:

  • Four virtual bond dimensions connecting neighboring tensors:
    • \(D_{(x-1,y),(x,y)}\): bond dimension connecting to the top neighbor

    • \(D_{(x,y-1),(x,y)}\): bond dimension connecting to the left neighbor

    • \(D_{(x,y),(x+1,y)}\): bond dimension connecting to the bottom neighbor

    • \(D_{(x,y),(x,y+1)}\): bond dimension connecting to the right neighbor

  • One physical dimension \(d_{(x,y)}\), associated with the lattice site’s local degree of freedom.

# Individual tensor of the PEPS lattice

   A_(x,y)  =  D_(x,y-1),(x,y) ──┤ (x,y) ├── D_(x,y),(x,y+1)
                                   |    ╲
                                   |     ╲
                               d_(x,y)   D_(x,y),(x+1,y)

The hermitian conjugate of the above tensor \(A_{x,y}^{\dagger}\) is represented as its mirror image of the tensor structure, with element-wise complex conjugation of each entry in \(A_{(x,y)}\).

# Conjugate tensor in PEPS with element-wise complex conjugation

                                  d_(x,y)   D_(x,y),(x+1,y)
                                      |     ╱
                                      |    ╱
A_(x,y)^\dagger = D_(x,y-1),(x,y) ──┤ (x,y) ├── D_(x,y),(x,y+1)

The module supports PEPS ansatz both for a finite system with open boundary conditions (OBC) and an infinite system in the thermodynamic limit. A schematic diagram of PEPS with OBC is given below.

# PEPS for 6 sites arranged in a (Lx, Ly) = (2, 3) lattice with OBC.
# For OBC, dimensions of virtual legs on the edge of the lattice are one.

     1                           1                           1
      ╲                           ╲                           ╲
       ╲                           ╲                           ╲
    ┌───┴───┐                   ┌───┴───┐                   ┌───┴───┐
1 ──┤ (0,0) ├── D_(0,0),(0,1) ──┤ (0,1) ├── D_(0,1),(0,2) ──┤ (0,2) ├── 1
    └─┬───┬─┘                   └─┬───┬─┘                   └─┬───┬─┘
      |    ╲                      |    ╲                      |    ╲
      |     ╲                     |     ╲                     |     ╲
  d_(0,0)  D_(0,0),(1,0)      d_(0,1)  D_(0,1),(1,1)      d_(0,2)  D_(0,2),(1,2)
              ╲                           ╲                           ╲
               ╲                           ╲                           ╲
            ┌───┴───┐                   ┌───┴───┐                   ┌───┴───┐
        1 ──┤ (1,0) ├── D_(1,0),(1,1) ──┤ (1,1) ├── D_(1,1),(1,2) ──┤ (1,2) ├── 1
            └─┬───┬─┘                   └─┬───┬─┘                   └─┬───┬─┘
              |    ╲                      |    ╲                      |    ╲
              |     ╲                     |     ╲                     |     ╲
           d_(1,0)   1                d_(1,1)    1                d_(1,2)    1

Fermionic anticommutation rules in PEPS#

We follow the recipe introduced by Corboz et al. in Ref. [4]. This approach relies on two ingredients: (a) using parity-preserving tensors, which ensure that each tensor respects fermion parity, and (b) adding fermionic swap gates through yastn.swap_gate() at line (leg) crossings in a planar projection of the network.

In PEPS, the ordering of fermionic operators impacts their anticommutation properties, which are essential for accurate simulations of fermionic systems. We establish a fermionic order to guide the application of swap gates, with each swap gate ensuring correct anticommutation for fermionic crossings. These crossings in the 2D plane project the 3D diagram encoding fermionic ordering onto a 2D layout, where swap gates manage the antisymmetry.

In terms of the numerical cost, contracting fermionic and bosonic (or spin) PEPS networks is comparable. The swap gates introduce only a subleading overhead, making this approach efficient. The module handles both fermionic and bosonic statistics, controlled by the fermionic flag in the tensor configuration. We use the name fpeps to emphasize the incorporation of fermionic statistics in the module.

Below, we illustrate the fermionic order in a \(3{\times}3\) PEPS example. Using parity-preserving tensors allows flexibility in the placement of swap gates, as tensor parity invariance permits line crossings over or under the tensors without changing the physical results.

       ┌─────┐       ┌─────┐       ┌─────┐
       │     ├───────┤     ├───────┤     │
       └─┬──┬┘       └─┬──┬┘       └─┬──┬┘
         |   ╲         |   ╲         |   ╲
         | ┌──┴──┐     | ┌──┴──┐     | ┌──┴──┐
         | │     ├─────┼─┤     ├─────┼─┤     │
         | └─┬──┬┘     | └─┬──┬┘     | └─┬──┬┘
|Psi> =  |   |   ╲     |   |   ╲     |   |   ╲
         |   | ┌──┴──┐ |   | ┌──┴──┐ |   | ┌──┴──┐
         |   | │     ├─┼───┼─┤     ├─┼───┼─┤     │
         |   | └─┬───┘ |   | └─┬───┘ |   | └─┬───┘
         |   |   |     |   |   |     |   |   |
         |   |   |     |   |   |     |   |   |

                           fermionic order

In this 2D representation, physical lines are placed on one edge of each tensor, allowing for a consistent and localized application of swap gates to uphold fermionic anticommutation, supporting efficient network contraction.

Infinite PEPS (iPEPS)#

While finite PEPS is widely used, infinite PEPS (iPEPS) [5] has shown strong performance, especially in capturing properties directly in the thermodynamic limit with translational invariance. In iPEPS, a unit cell of tensors is repeated over an infinite lattice.

A common setup is a checkerboard lattice with a \(2{\times}2\) unit cell, containing two tensors, \(A\) and \(B\), which alternate across the lattice. Each tensor represents local degrees of freedom. The bond dimension \(D\) (typically same for all bonds) controls the maximum entanglement between neighboring tensors and determines dominant computational cost.

# Checkerboard ansatz for iPEPS
       .               .
        .               .
         ╲               ╲
      ┌───┴───┐       ┌───┴───┐
... ──┤   A   ├── D ──┤   B   ├── ...
      └─┬───┬─┘       └─┬───┬─┘
        |    ╲          |    ╲
        |     D         |     D
               ╲               ╲
            ┌───┴───┐       ┌───┴───┐
      ... ──┤   B   ├── D ──┤   A   ├── ...
            └─┬───┬─┘       └─┬───┬─┘
              |    ╲          |    ╲
              |     .         |     .
                     .               .

Time evolution#

The simulation of time evolution of a quantum state is an ubiquitous problem. We focus on real- or imaginary-time evolution generated by a local Hamiltonian \(H\). For simplicity, we discuss here a PEPS defined on a \(2{\times}2\) lattice with open boundaries. Within the Suzuki-Trotter decomposition, the time evolution operator \(\exp(-d\beta H)\) for a small time step \(d\beta\), here in the imaginary time, is approximated by a product of local two-site gates.

For a Hamiltonian with nearest-neighbor interactions, we define \(H\) in terms of bond Hamiltonians \(H_{\langle i,j \rangle}\), where \(\langle i,j \rangle\) refers to a bond between neighboring sites (or tensors) \(A_i\) and \(A_j\). On a \(2{\times}2\) lattice with sites labeled \(1, 2, 3,\) and \(4\), there are four disjoint bonds:

  • Two horizontal bonds, \(H_{\langle 1,2 \rangle}\) and \(H_{\langle 3,4 \rangle}\)

  • Two vertical bonds, \(H_{\langle 1,3 \rangle}\) and \(H_{\langle 2,4 \rangle}\).

The corresponding two-site gates are \(U_{\langle i,j \rangle} = \exp(-d\beta H_{\langle i,j \rangle} / 2)\). Using a second-order Suzuki-Trotter approximation, the time evolution operator can be expressed as:

\(\exp(-d\beta H) \approx U_{\langle 1,2 \rangle}^{\text{hor}} U_{\langle 3,4 \rangle}^{\text{hor}} U_{\langle 1,3 \rangle}^{\text{ver}} U_{\langle 2,4 \rangle}^{\text{ver}} U_{\langle 2,4 \rangle}^{\text{ver}} U_{\langle 1,3 \rangle}^{\text{ver}} U_{\langle 3,4 \rangle}^{\text{hor}} U_{\langle 1,2 \rangle}^{\text{hor}}\).

Each gate application increases the virtual bond dimension of the PEPS tensors by a factor equal to the SVD rank of the gate r.

# Action of a two-site gate on horizontal 1-2 bond in the PEPS.
# Line crossing indicates application of a swap gate.

      ┌───────┐         ┌───────┐
      |  A_1  ├─── D ───┤  A_2  |
      └─┬───┬─┘         └─┬───┬─┘
        |╲   ╲           ╱|    ╲
        |╲╲   ╲         ╱╱|     ╲
        |||├───╲── r ──┤|||      D
        |╱╱     ╲       ╲╲|       ╲
        |╱       D       ╲|        ╲
        |         ╲       |         ╲
              ┌────┴──┐         ┌────┴──┐
              |  A_3  ├─── D ───┤  A_4  |
              └─┬─────┘         └─┬─────┘
                |                 |
                |                 |

To keep the PEPS representation compact, each application of the gate has to be followed by a truncation procedure to reduce the virtual bond dimension back to \(D\).

In 1D systems, Matrix Product States (MPS) benefit from a canonical forms, which enables globally optimal truncation of a bond dimension using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). However, in PEPS, the two-dimensional structure introduces loops, which hinder the use of canonical forms and make simple SVD-based truncation suboptimal. A successful algorithm requires using optimization techniques on top of SVD to manage truncation effectively. The aim is to minimize the Frobenius norm of the difference between: (a) PEPS after the application of the Trotter gate whose virtual bond dimension is now increased to \(r{\times}D\), and (b) a new PEPS with the bond dimension truncated back to \(D\).

(a)                                   (b)
   ┌───────┐       ┌───────┐             ┌───────┐       ┌───────┐
   |  A_1' ├─r x D─┤  A_2' |             | A_1'' ├── D ──┤ A_2'' |
   └─┬───┬─┘       └─┬───┬─┘             └─┬───┬─┘       └─┬───┬─┘
     |    ╲          |    ╲                |    ╲          |    ╲
     |     D         |     D      ~~~~~    |     D         |     D
            ╲               ╲     ─────           ╲               ╲
        ┌────┴──┐       ┌────┴──┐             ┌────┴──┐       ┌────┴──┐
        |  A_3  ├── D ──┤  A_4  |             |  A_3  ├── D ──┤  A_4  |
        └─┬─────┘       └─┬─────┘             └─┬─────┘       └─┬─────┘
          |               |                     |               |
          |               |                     |               |

We denote the wavefunction in (a) by \(\Psi(A_1',A_2')\) and in (b) as \(\Psi(A_1'',A_2'')\). The normalized Frobenius norm of the difference is

\(d(A_1',A_2';A_1'',A_2'') = || \Psi(A_1',A_2') - \Psi(A_1'',A_2'') || / || \Psi(A_1',A_2') ||,\)

which informs on truncation errors. The aim is to minimalize it with respect to the two isolated tensors \(A_{1}''\) and \(A_{2}''\) in the metric tensor representing the rest of the lattice. In the minimal example above, the latter just corresponds to \(A_{3}\) and \(A_{4}\). More generally, a standard method in this context is the so-called Full Update scheme [5], typically employing the Corner Transfer Matrix Renormalization Group to obtain environmental tensors approximating the rest of the lattice. It is, however, numerically expensive and might be unstable in some applications.

YASTN allows for a flexible selection of employed environment approximation. In particular, we implement a Neighborhood Tensor Update (NTU) scheme [6], that approximate the metric tensor by numerically-exact contraction of a small cluster of neighboring tensors.

Minimization is performed via least-square optimization processes, where one iterates between two truncated tensors, updating one with the other kept fixed. An initial guess follows from Environment Assisted Truncation [7], improving upon a simple non-canonical SVD initialization.

Neighborhood tensor update (NTU)#

Neighborhood Tensor Update can be regarded as a special case of a cluster update, see Refs. [9] and [10], where the number of neighboring lattice sites taken into account during truncation makes for a refining parameter. The cluster update interpolates between a local truncation as in the simple update (SU) [8] and the full update (FU) [5] that attempts to account for all correlations in the truncated state. The NTU cluster includes only the neighboring sites that can be contracted numerically exactly to obtain the metric tensor employed in the Frobenius norm in time evolution algorithm.

In the diagram below, we have a checkerboard lattice with alternating tensors \(A\) and \(B\) in the 2D square lattice. The tensors \(A'\) and \(B'\) in the center are highlighted as they have been updated by a NN \(2\)-site gate of SVD-rank \(r\). The NN environment uses only the sites directly surrounding the updated bond to calculate the metric tensor.

              ╲                ╲
           ┌───┴───┐        ┌───┴───┐
         ──┤   B   ├────────┤   A   ├──
           └─┬───┬─┘        └─┬───┬─┘
             |    ╲           |    ╲
     ╲             ╲                ╲             ╲
  ┌───┴───┐     ╔═══╧═══╗        ╔═══╧═══╗     ┌───┴───┐
──┤   B   ├─────╢   A'  ╠==    ==╣   B'  ╟─────┤   A   ├──
  └─┬───┬─┘     ╚═╤═══╤═╝        ╚═╤═══╤═╝     └─┬───┬─┘
    |    ╲        |    ╲           |    ╲        |    ╲
                        ╲                ╲
                     ┌───┴───┐        ┌───┴───┐
                   ──┤   A   ├────────┤   B   ├──
                     └─┬───┬─┘        └─┬───┬─┘
                       |    ╲           |    ╲

By construction, the metric tensor for the bond is always Hermitian and non-negative, ensuring numerical stability. A family of such environments is supported by

Corner transfer matrix renormalization group (CTMRG)#

Calculation of expectation values of interests requires network contraction. The exact contraction of a PEPS is exponentially hard, and one has to use efficient approximate schemes in practice. One of the state-of-the-art employs the Corner Transfer Matrix Renormalization Group (CTMRG). Nishino and Okunishi first deployed CTMRG [11] by extending the DMRG framework to give variational approximations for Baxter’s corner matrices of the vertex model. The subsequent development of CTMRG beyond the realm of \(C_{4v}\) symmetric tensors was accomplished by Orus and Vidal [12], with further refinements by Corboz [13].

The core idea behind CTMRG, both in the symmetric and nonsymmetric cases, remains the same. The method approximates the contraction of the network by associating each lattice site with a set of environmental tensors, where the approximation quality is controlled by the CTMRG bond dimension, \(\chi\), which limits the size of these tensors. These environment tensors undergo a renormalization group procedure, iteratively converging towards their fixed-point forms. The renormalization procedure involves:

  • Iterative Absorption and Truncation: Initial corner and transfer tensors define the environment. During each iteration, environment tensors are enlarge by conraction with PEPS tensors, decomposed and truncated back to the bond dimension \(\chi\).

  • Fixed-Point Convergence: Over successive iterations, the environment tensors converge towards a stable fixed-point form, capturing the lattice environment accurately while maintaining computational feasibility.

In a 2D square lattice, the environment is represented by a combination of four corner \(C_{nw},C_{sw},C_{ne},C_{se}\) and four transfer \(T_{n},T_{w},T_{e},T_{s}\) tensors of finite size, as depicted in the following figure. Tensor \(a\) in the diagram below results from contracting a single-site PEPS tensor \(A\) and its conjugate \(A^\dagger\) over the physical dimension.

┌──────┐    ┌─────┐    ┌──────┐
| C_tl ├────┤ T_t ├────┤ C_tr |
└──┬───┘    └──┬──┘    └───┬──┘
   |           |           |
   │           |           |
┌──┴──┐     ┌──┴──┐     ┌──┴──┐
| T_l ├─────┤  a  ├─────┤ T_r |
└──┬──┘     └──┬──┘     └──┬──┘
   |           |           |
   |           |           |
┌──┴───┐    ┌──┴──┐    ┌───┴──┐
| C_bl ├────┤ T_b ├────┤ C_br |
└──────┘    └─────┘    └──────┘

They are used to calculate expectation values by contracting PEPS site tensors and their environments. When calculating expectation values, tensor \(a\) is supplemented by any operators acting on the physical legs to account for observables.


The thermal state for a Hamiltonian \(H\) and inverse temperature \(\beta = 1/(k_B T)\) is given by \(\rho_{\beta} = \exp(-\beta H) / Z\), where \(Z = \text{Tr}(\exp(-\beta H))\) is the partition function. Since in tensor networks, pure states are more amenable to representation and manipulation, we often embed our thermal density matrix in a pure state by adding an ancillary Hilbert space to the system Hilbert space. The thermal density matrix is then obtained by tracing out the ancilla degrees of freedom. This approach is outlined as follows.

We start with the system at infinite temperature, \(\beta=0\), where all states are equally probable. This is described as a maximally mixed density matrix \(\rho_0\). With the local basis \(\ket{e_{n}}\) of dimension \(d\), where for simplicity we assume that the full Hilbert space of a many-body system is a product of identical local Hilbert spaces,

\(\rho_0 = \prod_{\rm sites} \sum_{n} \frac{1}{d} \ket{e_{n}}\bra{e_{n}}\).

A purified wave-function \(\ket{\psi_{0}}\) at infinite temperature is a maximally entangled state between the system and ancillary degrees of freedom, where the latter is spanned by the same basis \(\ket{e_{n}}\) as the system Hilbert space: \(\ket{\psi_{0}} = \prod_{\rm sites} \frac{1}{\sqrt{d}} \sum_{n=1}^{d}\ket{e_{n}} \ket{e_{n}}\). The state at finite temperature \(\beta\) is then obtained by evolving \(\ket{\psi_{0}}\) in imaginary time with operator \(U = \exp(-\frac{\beta}{2}H)\) acting on the system degrees of freedom:

\(\ket{\psi_{\beta}} = \exp\left(-\frac{\beta}{2} H \right) \ket{\psi_{0}}\)

To recover the thermal density matrix of the system, we take the trace over the ancillary degrees of freedom of the total density matrix:

\(\rho_{\beta} = \frac{1}{Z} \text{Tr}_{\rm ancillas} \ket{\psi_{\beta}} \bra{\psi_{\beta}}\),

where \(Z = \text{Tr}(\exp(-\beta H))\) ensures normalization.

In YASTN, legs corresponding to system space and ancilla space are always fused to form one physical PEPS leg. During numerical simulations, the Hamiltonian acting on the system degrees of freedom is augmented with an identity operator acting on the ancillas. This means the Hamiltonian acts only on the system space, represented as:

\(H_{\text{total}} = H \otimes I_{\text{ancilla}},\)

where \(H\) is the Hamiltonian on the system Hilbert space, and \(I_{\text{ancilla}}\) is the identity on the ancilla space. This setup ensures that evolution in imaginary time affects only the system’s degrees of freedom.